Wordpress Widget Areas

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Posted: 9/12/2012
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I am trying out artisteer rc 4.

I am finding the concept of widgets confusing. Specifically:

- Artisteer uses the term widget for limited control of placement of a vertical mehnu, search box etc. These items seem to be always placed in the main content area rather than the sidebar so seem to be of limited use.

- Wordpress use sthe term widget areas to describe areas within the template that can be used to hold Wordpress widgets e.g. a text area, a tag cloud, recent posts etc.

Exported Artisteer templates seem to support Wordpress widgetised areas in that an Artisteer generated Wordpress template will have some 11 widget areas defined by default. However, there does not seem to be any mechanism in the Artisteer design process to define the location of these widget areas or even to identify where Artisteer locates them by default on the template layout.

There are two issues here. Firstly Artisteers use of the term widget conflicts with Wordpress's use of the term.

Second, how can Artisteer templates support Wordpress widgetised areas when it has no mechanism to define their location?

Please can someone enlighten me. Thanks


Posted: 9/12/2012
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A couple of things:

1) I'm not sure where you are getting the Artisteer def of widget as I have never seen such a definition. Artisteer refers to Blocks.

2) The Blocks are placed by Artisteer into the SB if it exists in the theme.

To alter the positions of the widgetised areas you'd need to get into css editing on your exported theme I reckon.


Posted: 9/13/2012
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Artisteer only defines the look and feel of widgets, not the placement. After you activate the Artisteer theme on your blog, you then place widgets using Appearance>Widgets just like normal, and determine the position and order of widgets that way. Selecting "Default Style" or "Block" will format them however you designed in Artisteer. Try the other options for other looks.

You can also use plugins like http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/widgets-on-pages/ to further move widgets around.