Missing Header Headline & Slogan text

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David Sargeant

Posted: 9/2/2012
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Hi, have just update to the latest Artisteer 3 version and slightly modified any existing template.
It used to work fine on my Joomla 1.5.26 web site, but now that we've migrated over to Joomla 2.5 we have no Header or Slogan text displayed on the Header on the website : www.fieldhousemarchington.com/joomla256/index.php

Any suggestions what is causing this ? It displays ok locally.


Posted: 9/2/2012
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You have to go to The templatesettings by clicking on templatesmanager - templatename.
Then, on The right side you have to put The slogan and headerline manually...
David Sargeant

Posted: 9/2/2012
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O:) That's resolved it !

Posted: 9/2/2012
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You're welcome!
Nice week-start!