Layout improvements

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Posted: 8/31/2012
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- option to put footer out of sheet
- option to put whitespace before footer
- option for bgpicture on footer

- option to put search widget inside menu, (after menu)
- option to change block padding, margins (position on page)
- option to put multible images to header / footer
- option to remove artisteer link by default (that dont need to do that in every export)

- option to save/load -layout, menu, header, footer etc separately..

- suggest design - with options- if there is blocks, what kind of columns, footer, navi etc..

- suggest menu coloring

- content optios - shape- margin top, down, left, righ

- block options- layout
- top padding

- option to change css / add extra css
- option to change txt "designed by / created by "
- support for scalable design..