Artisteer 4 Icons not showing

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Ron van der Schaaf

Posted: 8/29/2012
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I'm using artisteer 4 and for the posts i've turned on the date, author, pdf and print.. Date and Author are no problem but the pdf and print icons are NOT visible? Is this artisteer or WP?

Also the link to show comments AND the link on the title of the post generate a script error? Is this artisteer or WP?

I use wordpress 3.4...

Can anyone help me with this?


Posted: 8/29/2012
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Hi Ron,

Just wanted to let you know as far as the icons not showing up for print and pdf that they do not in my Artisteer 4 creations either.

I did get them to work by creating a post in Artisteer 4 before I exported the theme and then imported content when installing the theme.

Other then showing up only on the post I created they did nothing else.

I have not done a lot with Artisteer 4 yet so will have to do some testing on it to see if something is missing or I am just doing something wrong.
Joe Ferriero

Posted: 1/2/2016
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Anyone find out why this isn't working? Having the same problem.


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