Overview of Artisteer 4.0 Features

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Posted: 7/26/2012
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Overview of Artisteer 4.0 Features Content Editing Previously, in Artisteer 3.1 you could only create content for your web pages if you were creating a Website or Blog type template. In version 4.0, you can design your template and create pages with content for any type of CMS, such as Joomla or WordPress. In fact you no longer have to choose template type, only select your website , blog or CMS type when exporting your template.

Does this mean I can create 3 pages for a wordpress blog eg.
1. A landing page that is graphic rich multiple content layout for instance a 5x2 + 1x1 + 5x1
2. A general layout page, 2 sidebar(2x20%) + 60% content.
3. Another page used for Cartoon slides for example: 4x6 content layout 1 sidebar.
That way in wordpress itself we could assign the 2 different .php files to certain pages for instance our landing page could be assigned to a page created called "home", the Cartoon page could be assigned to cartoon posts or pages, much like wordpress custom post types.

Basically I just thought this meant we no longer need to hack a bunch code to get a decent landing page to work.

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HTML5 and CSS3 Support Artisteer now supports the latest evolution in standards for better structured web pages. You can add your own rich user experiences, such as animations, directly in Artisteer.

Will this include good HTML5/css3 features such as tilted (angled) images?

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Google Web Fonts, Online Access to Flickr Images, New Header Designer with Visual Editing, Add a Slide Show to Your Header, New Selector Tool, Create Photo Collages, Lightbox Style, Image Slide Show, More Source Options, Footer Layout and Editing, Plug-in SDK

Wow simply Brilliant, thank you.

After reading all that I signed up for the affiliate program. Absolutely outstanding work. I hope if my above questions are not included in the new features perhaps you will implement them soon. If not so long as the "HTML source" option is available for a majority of the page then the image angle won't matter too much as a simply css style can change it.

Also with the Google webfonts, while it is a fantastic way to get fonts into your page it's incredibly slow on most sites outside of USA. They don't seem to use cloud hosting for the font server, so requests typically take quiet a long time.

I setup my website with them, still currently using them "kustcom.com.au" and while pingdom reports a 3-10second load time, average load times for AUS are around 25-45 seconds.

I would hope you guys can find a client-side way of dealing with this issue so to speak. (local server-side)

Thanks again for all your hard work in making Artisteer the BEST template creator. :]