No header when printing

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Patrick Goosen

Posted: 6/6/2012
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Hi Everybody,

I have seen a few entries regarding the above topic but is there a solution? When printing the header does not show on the page. My client really wants this.

Thanks for the help.

Pattrick Goosen

Posted: 6/8/2012
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I solved it, don't know if it's the right way but it works.

Removed all art-headers entries from the template.css and added

<img src="/full path/images/Header.jpg" style="top:0; left:0; width:974px; height:300px;">

to the <div class="art-Header-jpeg"></div> in index.php from the template.
Peter S

Posted: 6/8/2012
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It's a browser print issue. Browsers don't print the majority of CSS otherwise you'd use most of your ink.

If you need to print a page, for a portfolio for instance, you can get plugins that can capture the full page as an image/PDF and print that instead.
Patrick Goosen

Posted: 6/8/2012
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True but that's not what my client wants. He wants to see the header when he prints a page. Again, it's not the best solution but it works.


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