Left justify Wordpress site in IE

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Posted: 5/23/2012
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I'm building a WordPress template in Artisteer. I want to left justify the entire site. I did some digging and found that I can add the following lines to the body section of style.css:


This does just what I want in Firefox and Chrome. Naturally, it's still centered in IE9. I can't find a similar section in style.ie6.css or style.ie7.css.

I tried adding the code in this section

.art-sheet>.art-box-tl, .art-sheet>.art-box-tr{

When I load the page in IE after that, it kind of bounces back and forth between being left justified and right justified, finally landing on being in the center. Rather odd.

Does anyone know how to get the template to be left justified in IE?


Posted: 5/23/2012
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Simply remove "margin: 0 auto;" from following styling rule:

.art-box, .art-box-body {
margin: 0 auto;
position: relative;

Posted: 5/24/2012
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Thank you! Works perfectly.