Website/HTML Mode needs to handle root designations

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Posted: 4/30/2012
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It's a really terrible oversight that you can't create directories. You should be able to specify your home page and all the pages linking back to it in the root should point to "/" not index.html or new-page.html, etc... unless that's what you actually want (which is unlikely).

When you add a new page to the menu you should be able to tell Artisteer if you'd like it to be a directory. After all, it's probably a category. The main page in that directory should then be index.html and all the child pages in that folder should again point back like "/" or to get to the homepage /../" however many levels that might be. At least give the option. It's standard stuff.

This will also help tremendously for people who like to use a blog as an adjunct to a static site. This would make it perfectly seamless and incredibly easy to implement. Right now, if you want the above (standard) site structure, you have to go into each html file and change the links every time you make a design change. It's tedious and doesn't have to be.


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