So, 3.2

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Posted: 4/19/2012
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So, is anyone excited about the Template SDK in the upcoming version 3.2? (located in the "March 2012" newsletter.)

I am excited to see how it works and will be willing to develop a template for SMF users. (v 2.0.X +)

Posted: 4/19/2012
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Agree. I am wondering if it is going to be useful to create some e-commerce templates, specially Opencart templates.

The slideshows in the header and the extra fonts are nothing compared to the SDK. We could be getting close now, I would say mid May, considering that WP is now due on May 9...

Posted: 4/19/2012
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With their rate of development I would not count on it any time soon.

Posted: 4/19/2012
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I wish I could disagree with Jeffk, but I can't.

I'll give them this though: I am a customer for over 3 years now (since 2.0), and the templates created with every beta 1 release were good enough for production (at least in my case).

They are the best in what they do, which makes them a little arrogant I guess, and the price is fair too. If this was an Adobe or Microsoft product it would cost at least triple that, and would take twice as long.

Let's be patient and hope the SDK will be as good as we can dream... it better be, since this product is geared mostly towards non professionals.

That said, if any developers are reading this, any additional info., previews, etc... will be greatly appreciated, and I most interested in the SDK.

Posted: 4/20/2012
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What I find worrying is that an SDK is something you do not really create out of the blue. You search for partners, 3rd party developers to test the thing, give some suggestions, etc... Nothing seems to be happening. So I'm not sure that SDK is currently what is taking them so long to release anything. I was told 3 years ago already that an SDK was in the pipeline...

I hope I'm wrong though

Posted: 4/20/2012
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Coming from a TRUE non professional, what is SDK and can someone show mw an example.


Posted: 4/20/2012
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Should have Googled first before I got what it is now

Posted: 5/16/2012
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Version 3.2 is not coming
Next version is 4.0

Posted: 5/16/2012
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Quote Wilco:

Version 3.2 is not coming
Next version is 4.0

from the information?

Posted: 5/16/2012
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asked the support team, how long it will take to release 3.2 but they told me 3.2 will not be released.

but 4.0 will be there with a lot new features.


Posted: 5/16/2012
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That is not good thing for those of us that pay for the 1 year upgrade. If what you say is true that the next version is 4.0 Artisteer. Am gusting it is going to take a year or so; even if it comes out one year later it would be on Beta 1 and 2 than RC 1 and 2 for 4.0 that like other six month. Am just gusting jumping from 3.1 to 4.0 is pretty big in Artisteer point of view.

Hope am WRONG


Posted: 5/17/2012
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You gusted correctly!

Posted: 5/18/2012
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Sorry for the misspelling, English is not my first language lol; anyway I got to talk to live support and those guy above me are wrong the next version is 3.2 not 4.0 nice try spammers. But am still worried because my expiration date is coming soon for the one year upgrade thing. :-X

Posted: 5/18/2012
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Don´t they say anithing about release-Date?

Posted: 5/19/2012
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Can give you guys screens of the conversation.