How to add Google Fonts into your Artiseer Template:

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Posted: 4/14/2012
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Using Google Fonts is awesome, but more awesomer is when you can see the fonts in your Artisteer, right?

Go to Google
Choose your fonts
Open a txt document and paste the code of the Google Font and the CSS:

Looks like this:
<link href=' MY FONT IS' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
font-family: 'WHAT MY FONT IS ', serif;

Keep these handy, you will need them later.

Find and download the .tff version of your fonts.

If you can't find a .ttf version of your font
go to:
and convert it.

On your computer, open your Font Library, and install the fonts.

Open Artiseer - open your Template..

Colors & Fonts > Font Sets > Highlight "Custom" (should say Unsaved) - scroll down to "Edit Font Set"
Now you can choose the Google Fonts for your Template.

I would also give your Unsaved Font style a name at this point

You will need to put the code in the header of your index.php of your template:

<link href=' WHAT MY FONT IS ' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>

Remember that Google fonts uses "font-weight" that is numerical, such as 400 (book), 600 (bold), 900 (bolder)

There ya go!

Posted: 6/2/2012
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:( Are there some steps missing for this? I installed the fonts on my PC and I can see them in Word but Artisteer doesn't give me the option to add it.

Posted: 6/3/2012
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Make sure you have restarted Artisteer after adding the fonts.

Posted: 8/12/2013
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Is this possible in Artisteer 3.1 ??

I also cant find the installed fonts even after the restart. I wish to use Myriad Pro Font?

Dave B

Posted: 8/12/2013
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Where are you looking for this font?

It will not show up in the small list on most places. You have to go to font options (more fonts V 3.1) and then you can see the entire list.