Please allow text in vertical menu items to wrap

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Posted: 2/6/2012
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Pretty much as it says in the title. It would be good if text in menu items - such as the vertical menus could wrap - I am writing a page about a piece of legislation that has a long time, but as it is not a common piece of legislation I would like to write it in full rather use and acronym. Currently the full text overfills the space allowed - if the text wrapped this wouldn't happen.

Artisteer is so brilliant in all the other ways you can format things I am amazed that it can't wrap the text in this way.

Lots of people are querying this so I think it would be a well received 'fix'.

My need is to have the availability in a website written fully in Artisteer with no CMS.

Please can you have a think as to whether this could be incorporated?

Posted: 2/6/2012
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N.B. Part of the problem is that the menu lists what you have called the page. I call the page the full name, i.e in the example, the legislation name because AFAIK it helps the search engines pick it up. I would rather not use the acronym for the menu item, but even if I wanted to there is no way of changing the displayed text from the 'page name'. Perhaps as a work around this option might be an easier one to offer. i.e. that the words displayed in the menu can be different to the name of the page?

Posted: 3/9/2012
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I'm seconding that. Have just started a thread m,yself for it too - but for horizontal also.

Reparde x

Posted: 4/24/2012
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Third the motion. Have looked all over for solution. As suggested by JOC sometimes the long page name must be used to make any sense.


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