Artisteer with code view

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Posted: 1/28/2012
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Hi there, what i really would like in a new artisteer version is a code view, like in dreamweaver. When I am working with Artisteer I don't understand where it puts the code in CSS and it takes a lot of time to search the code. So I really hope you gonna make this feature. Thnx!!

Posted: 2/3/2012
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:-D I, too, would love to see a code I am using Firebug and notepad++for editing code. Sure would streamline the effort to be able to see where the actual code is that I need to change instead of hunt and peck technique...
Not that Artisteer isn't pretty darn cool anyway.

Posted: 2/7/2012
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I also would love to see a code view.

Posted: 2/15/2012
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+1 for code view/edit

Posted: 2/29/2012
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a professional products must be able to allow user to do advanced things.
and I think we need it

Posted: 2/29/2012
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I don't know many professional web designers, but I know a few and none of them would ever touch a product like Artisteer with a barge pole. The two major reasons are code bloat and the "made with a tool"-look (centered sheet, etc.) that all templates made with Artisteer have. I'm fine with that because I don't consider myself a professional web designer but I'd be wary of anyone claiming to be a design-pro that was using a WYSIWYG-tool to do their work.

Posted: 2/29/2012
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I think that your opinion is a little bit exagerrated. I work with various agencies, and I already am being able to recognise design patterns of some designers, no matter what tool they use.

As for the Artisteer - I think that from WYSIWYG tools, I did not find anything better yet anyway. Good for prototyping at least ...

Posted: 4/3/2012
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+1 for code view, edit and preview.
Red Wagon

Posted: 8/23/2012
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It's a must. Access to HTML & CSS. Very important.