Images resized again

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Posted: 1/8/2012
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Artisteer made recently an update so that the images wont get resized in layouts... they fixed so that Picasa could be used again instead of Imageshack. But now when i made a new layout and used Picasa, the blog is a mess again. What is the matter? Why did it go back to the problems?
DLC Designs

Posted: 1/9/2012
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Picasa is NOT compatible with Artisteer. Use FTP and host them on your site, or Imageshack. Imageshack is quicker that picasa too.

They didn't fix it because it's Blogger's server, not communicating with artisteer's settings. Not artisteer's problem.

NOTE: Another tip, When publishing use "other" for your horizontal menu source and you will not have buttons disappear either.



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