Weird characters, despite using UTF-8 in files and on server

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N. de Kler

Posted: 11/15/2011
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I've just spend two days building a website with Artisteer, and though after exporting the HTML files look just fine and dandy, upon uploading weird characters appear (sometimes when accent grave or accent aigu is called for, but also à characters where only a non-breaking space was included).

All of my pages have these errors. I have tried editing the HTML files manually on the server, but this results in inexpicable loss of coding for my header :(

What could possible be wrong here?

I've used Artisteer for a Blogger template before, and for a WordPress template, and would love to keep on using it for designing and filling websites.

Anyone any ideas?

The site is at

Posted: 11/15/2011
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On my browser ie 8 when I can change encoding to utf-8 everthing looks good.

Do you think that changing the area in the header from en-us and en to nl will help?

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""[]>
<html xmlns="" dir="ltr" lang="en-US" xml:lang="en">

N. de Kler

Posted: 11/16/2011
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Thanks for replying.

My browsers were all set to UTF-8, but no deal.

Our provider just now suggested to change the character set at their end to OFF (This is an option not mentioned in their documentation.)

This seems to have done the trick.

As I've encountered lots of questions about these weird character issues on the internet, but few solutions, I thought I'd share.

Still, it is strange that it will not work when both sides (the HTML pages and the server settings) are set to UTF-8, as this seems to be the most common character set.


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