Two horizontal menus (Artisteer / WP)

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Posted: 11/10/2011
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Hey folks!

I´v been trying now for a while to add an extra horizontal menu for my artisteer theme that i´v created. The menu bar should for an example contain "Forum". So when you press on that, than you will be sended there. Do anyone know how to fix this?

Best regards

Posted: 11/10/2011
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Not sure I understand your requirement completely but you can simply insert a Forum link using custom menu and assign an external forum URL to it.

Posted: 11/11/2011
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Hi Nils,

To add second horizontal menu you need to do the following (I have Artisteer v 3.1, so if you have earlier version than 3, tell me):

1) Go to wp-admin => Appearance => Editor

2) In functions.php find the line:

if (function_exists(‘register_nav_menus’)) {
register_nav_menus(array(‘primary-menu’ => __( ‘Primary Navigation’, THEME_NS)));

3) Add there another line, so that you get this:

if (function_exists(‘register_nav_menus’)) {
register_nav_menus(array(‘primary-menu’ => __( ‘Primary Navigation’, THEME_NS)));
register_nav_menus(array(‘secondary-menu’ => __( ‘Secondary Navigation’, THEME_NS)));

4) Now go to header.php and copy the lines:

<div class="art-bar art-nav">
<div class="art-nav-outer">
<div class="art-nav-wrapper">
<div class="art-nav-inner">
echo theme_get_menu(array(
'source' => theme_get_option('theme_menu_source'),
'depth' => theme_get_option('theme_menu_depth'),
'menu' => 'primary-menu',
'class' => 'art-hmenu'

5) If you need one of the menu to be in the bottom of the page above footer, than paste the code to the file footer.php in the very beginning.

6) Change the line 'menu' => 'primary-menu', for 'menu' => 'secondary-menu',

7) Now go to wp-admin => Appearance => Menus and create one more menu there, add the items you need (forum, contact etc) and assign this menu for Secondary Navigation in the right top corner.

8) Now you have second horizontal menu with the items you need, above your footer. Notice that the menu is styled the same as the first one since it have the sane class 'class' => 'art-hmenu'. If you need this menu look different, you need to assign it a different class (e.g. art-hmenu2) and define the style for this class in styles.css (you may either copy the code in style.css for art-hmenu and modify it for art-hmenu2 the way you need; or you may create another template in Artisteer with the menu you like, then upload it to wp without activating it, go to its style.css via Editor and copy the code for the menu there (all entities that contain art-hmenu), change art-hmenu for art-hmenu2 and paste it in your activated template, in this case you will also have to copy the images that are used in this menu to the folder of the activated template, prior to this - alter the names of those images so they are not override the images for your primary navigation and then change urls for those images in style.css).

If you have any questions, just ask :-)

Posted: 11/11/2011
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Thank you for your answer! I got a problem on the way though...

3) Add there another line, so that you get this:

if (function_exists(‘register_nav_menus’)) {
register_nav_menus(array(‘primary-menu’ => __( ‘Primary Navigation’, THEME_NS)));
register_nav_menus(array(‘secondary-menu’ => __( ‘Secondary Navigation’, THEME_NS)));

When I did this i got this error:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/mydomain/public_html/wp-content/themes/Untitled/functions.php on line 47

What to do?

And I can´t do nothing.

Posted: 11/11/2011
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I can tell that i´m trying to find the file in the FTP. But with no success.

Posted: 11/11/2011
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maybe, if have copy-pasted the code from here, it was pasted with curly quotation mark ‘ , make sure they are straight '.


Posted: 11/11/2011
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In your ftp you must find the file with the themes, then find your theme and find the function.php in it.

When copy-pasting the code you must pay attention that the quotes are not curly, but straight, retype all of them yourself after pasting.

Posted: 11/11/2011
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Okey, i´v been trying. And now this shows:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in /home/xntrnasm/public_html/wp-content/themes/Untitled/functions.php on line 2

Any clue what to do? The document i open don´t looks like the one in editor.

Posted: 11/11/2011
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this code

if (function_exists(‘register_nav_menus’)) {
register_nav_menus(array(‘primary-menu’ => __( ‘Primary Navigation’, THEME_NS)));
register_nav_menus(array(‘secondary-menu’ => __( ‘Secondary Navigation’, THEME_NS)));

has to be closed with }. I haven't copied it, because it was initially there in functions.php. It must have been that you deleted it by accident when pasting the new code. Make sure it is still there

Posted: 11/11/2011
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though, if the error is on line 2, it may be some pther part of the code that is missing there. Have you altered something else in this file?

It is strange you having the problems, because before posting the steps for menus I have tried doing it on my site and it worked. :-X

I can't tell where exactly there is a syntaxt error not seeing the file. You may copy the content of the file here (from the beginning up to the altered code for the menus, not the whole file) :*)

Posted: 11/11/2011
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Hey, i´v got an idea! What about deleting the theme from FTP? So that i will get the standard one. Or will the settings still be there?

Posted: 11/11/2011
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You must have a zip file with this same theme on your pc or .artx file. You can unzip it, copy the file function.php and replace the broken file with it. No need to delete the whole theme. If you have any other Artisteer-made theme on your pc or already on the server, just take the function.php file from there.

Tell me how it is going. It is really sad that error occured.

Posted: 11/11/2011
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Thank you so much Gina! I fixed it!

Now i´m back to the problem with the two menus. I have to fix a thing. And i will bee back in 3-4 houers. So I will try then. This time I wont copy, i will write it myself O:)

All I have to do is, after
if (function_exists(‘register_nav_menus’)) {
register_nav_menus(array(‘primary-menu’ => __( ‘Primary Navigation’, THEME_NS)));

press enter, and than just write in:
register_nav_menus(array(‘secondary-menu’ => __( ‘Secondary Navigation’, THEME_NS)));

I have another question. Here:

Do you know anything about that? I hope it´s okey to link from here to there.

Thanks again.

Best regards

Posted: 11/11/2011
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Hey! I made it. But it dident look the way i wanted it. I want something like this:

Can i fix this?

Posted: 11/12/2011
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Hey. I´m trying to understand "8)" but i don´t really get it. Is that the thing I have to do, to get it like this: ?

Posted: 11/12/2011
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If you need one of your menus to be on top of the other, very close to each other, then you must put the code, that I gave in step 4, not in footer.php, but in the end of header.php:

<div class="art-bar art-nav">
<div class="art-nav-outer">
<div class="art-nav-wrapper">
<div class="art-nav-inner">
echo theme_get_menu(array(
'source' => theme_get_option('theme_menu_source'),
'depth' => theme_get_option('theme_menu_depth'),
'menu' => 'primary-menu',
'class' => 'art-hmenu'
<div class="cleared reset-box"></div>

As for the second post you have about three images on front page, post your question in WordPress thread of forum, you will get more answers

Posted: 11/14/2011
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I don´t get it to work... I add the above code in header.php. But nothing happens. What to do?

Posted: 11/14/2011
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The thing is that i want the "forum" "Contact" and "home" menu to be in the header. In front of the picture that i have. And than the other menu bar should be just below the picture.

Thank you for your help, alot.

Posted: 11/14/2011
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If you need the menu items in header itself, then you don't need second menu :*)

You need to create the image for header background yourself, drawing the menu items the way you want. After uploading the header image (that has menu items drawn on it) you have to make the header areas clickable.
Abland describes here, how to achieve this:

Posted: 11/19/2011
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I work with Artisteer only and have my knowledge based on this program, I am not sure how that theme is designed.
I think you should address someone on their forum/support.

Posted: 11/26/2011
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I had a little trouble copying and pasting this code. I see that others has issues too.. So I thought I'd just share the code with the correct single quotes for anyone else who runs across this post.. (That way you can copy and paste the code straight from here and the quotes are straight not curly)

if (function_exists('register_nav_menus')) { 	register_nav_menus(array('primary-menu' => __( 'Primary Navigation', THEME_NS))); 	register_nav_menus(array('secondary-menu' => __( 'Secondary Navigation', THEME_NS))); 


Posted: 4/18/2016
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