Solution Finally DNN RTL useless WOW

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Posted: 10/1/2011
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Dear all

after a lot of troubles i have finally found the solution for my other post here

the problem :
with the help of artiseer support team they found the issue (HTML tag is removed and is missing when we add event module) and this is happening because DNN framework is dynamically creating the <HTML> tag and for some reason it gets missed up with some modules like (login - events - newsletter)

actually simple , artisteer is adding the RTL direction attribute to the HTML tag, then RTL is gone when <html> is gone, what i did is making the page.ascx to add the attribute RTL to body tag not HTML like this
CType(body, HtmlControl).Attributes.Add("dir", "rtl")

add the above line inside the if statement in Page_PreRender in page.ascx

artisteer team please change the RTL to body instead of html in next version to overcome this issue by DNN

thank you


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