Responsive Design in future releases?

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Posted: 9/21/2011
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The hot new topic in web design these days is responsive design i.e. pages that are flexible and reflow / reformat content depending on the screen size.

Usually they use CSS media queries to affect layout.
The Boston Globe is the latest mainstream site making a splash with their
responsive layout. Resize your screen and watch the content reorganize on the fly.

Now open the same page on your smartphone. It looks like a separate mobile optimized theme BUT its not. Its the same theme using "responsive design" principles.
I hope Artisteer has a long future and to secure that, we need to hope that the team embraces responsive design in their templating sofware, because this is the direction the web is heading.

Check out this article for some background

Posted: 10/13/2011
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I couldn't agree more Paulo. Can we get a word back from Artisteer on their plan to incorporate this in the next release? It would make us "Raving Fans" into "Rabid Fans"

Posted: 10/13/2011
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Great suggestion, would make our websites a lot more useful

Posted: 10/15/2011
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Quote Paulo:

The hot new topic in web design these days is responsive design i.e. pages that are flexible and reflow / reformat content depending on the screen size.

Usually they use CSS media queries to affect layout.
The Boston Globe is the latest mainstream site making a splash with their
responsive layout. Resize your screen and watch the content reorganize on the fly.

Now open the same page on your smartphone. It looks like a separate mobile optimized theme BUT its not. Its the same theme using "responsive design" principles.
I hope Artisteer has a long future and to secure that, we need to hope that the team embraces responsive design in their templating sofware, because this is the direction the web is heading.

Check out this article for some background

:-) This capability would add serious value to this product. Delay in including it will only serve other products to occupy this niche in the marketplace. I hope this capability will find it's way to the top of the development list.

Posted: 10/15/2011
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I'll add my request for responsive design too. The devices that people use today are so varied that if we are not able to offer the design features then business will pass us by.

I'm in the Wordpress area mainly and sure there are a couple of plugins for enabling viewing on these devices but they can be cumbersome to use. I even have a theme specially designed for the iphone etc but needs its own separate installation on WP so is a subdomain/directory or its own URL

I feel responsive design is the best way to go and I'm hoping the Artisteer team is working away on it for the next release.....that would be fantastic Thanks


Posted: 10/25/2011
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That's where all design tools are heading, I've seen this in most design forums, so I guess it has to be taken seriously.

Posted: 12/12/2011
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I agree that it would be incredible if Artisteer could handle creating sites that use the concepts of Responsive Web Design. I think the major change would to allow the fluid width designs to have multiple views depending on the max width of a browser. So in the CSS you would have max-width breakpoints that would switch out the CSS being used (via @media queries) but still all in one css file. Depending on the size of the browser window or the devices screen width, the appropriate css would load. In Artisteer I could visualize having a fluid width design that you create multiple widths and set the breakpoints . The following site has 4 layouts that would be a great start:

I love artisteer and think if they move towards Responsive Web Design they will be relevant for many years to come.

Posted: 12/12/2011
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Now that MUST be implemented before or with the Artisteer 4.0, along with all the good SEO Implementations.

That is the best way to bring artisteer more power and attention from all over + huge cashflows and many satisfied customers!

Can you imagine what that would be like ?

Please Artisteer-Team, we want that ! :-{}

Posted: 1/2/2012
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I'll throw my support on this thread as well as a Drupal guy. I'm a HUGE Artisteer fan and would love to see responsive theming available. I'm already having clients ask for responsive, but in those cases I need to leave Artisteer and theme it myself.

As a sidenote, I'd GLADLY pay more for the Artisteer product if there was a responsive feature :-D

Posted: 1/10/2012
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I'm reading the book Responsive Webdesign, , and it's pretty clear to me from reading that book that a program is really needed to properly calculate all of the percentages.

Everything needs to be done with formula: ( target / context ) *100 = result

This becomes a very tedious and time consuming process that it would seem to me that Artisteer could easily handle.

I see the workflow being something like creating the fixed theme as we do now, and then push a button to convert it to a responsive design to do all the math and add in the media queries.

That at least seems to be the approach in the book I mentioned above.

Combine this with some CSS3 capabilities, and WOW we could make some awesome stuff with this tool! I for one would be willing to pay full price for the upgrade if it had Responsive Design and CSS3 features.

BTW, I love the program as it is now and I just want to see this wonderful tool keep up with the times. :-)

Posted: 1/25/2012
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Add me to the list of wanting Responsive Design from Artisteer. I love how easy it makes creating a theme or template. But I haven't used it lately because I want my sites to scale well for mobile devices.

Everyone seems to ask "Will this site work on phones?" and I don't think it's a good enough answer to say "Yes, a version with tiny text will show on the screen and users can zoom and scroll left and right to see it up close"

I'll be looking for this in an update. Till then I won't likely use Artisteer.
The Light Scriber

Posted: 4/12/2012
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I would definitely upgrade to the Artisteer version with Responsive Design incorporated. Right now I must redesign the Omega theme to get it to work for me in Drupal 7. Since the web world has moved on to mobile already, I can't sit and wait for Artisteer to catch up.

Posted: 4/13/2012
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I won't be renewing my Artisteer subscription unless there is some clear indication that Responsive Design options are at least on the roadmap.

A pity, because I owe a lot to Artisteer and it has been a great product.....up to now.

Posted: 4/18/2012
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I agree with Paulo. I will not be renewing if Responsive Design is not in the next version, and be release in the very near future. We can not wait too long for this.

I hope the Artisteer team is listening to us.

Posted: 5/2/2012
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I'm comng from Adobe and combining Artisteer and Dreamweaver to build a responsive design. It's real easy.

1) In Artisteer, export HTML for at least three fluid designs in seperate folders: ("/artisteer_main/", "/artisteer_note", "artisteer_mobile")

[Note: "artisteer_mobile" design will be one-column with a 100% width and Vertical Menu will be on top]

2) Create your pages index.html, about.htm, contact.htm

3) KEY: In each page, separate the "responsive" nature of the page through "width" with "media query-like" links such as the following:

<link rel="stylesheet" media="only screen and (min-width:1px) and (max-width:600px)" href="/artisteer_main/style.css" />

<link rel="stylesheet" media="only screen and (min-width:601px) and (max-width:900px)" href="/artisteer_note/style.css" />

<link rel="stylesheet" media="only screen and (min-width:901px)" href="/artisteer_mobile/style.css" />

4) Hide what you don't need with a class. [This is sort of difficult to explain, so google @media queries and CSS3] -->

[KEY: Create a /css/ folder and rewrite any Artisteer css attributes using "!important" at end. This preserve your changes as you re-publish through Artisteer]]

I'm still experimenting. Here is my development site:


Posted: 5/4/2012
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I forgot the most important thing. In the head of all your documents, you need this meta:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1" />

Posted: 5/7/2012
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Artisteer listening?

Posted: 5/9/2012
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My next upgrade will depend if Artisteer would create Responsive designs. In the meantime, I am purchasing some premium templates that do exactly that. I would of course prefer to roll my own responsive designs...

Posted: 5/29/2012
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:-@ Also see no mention of Responsive Web considerations in the next generation Artisteer. This actually undoes the real value of a next rollout being with the times. All the goodies thrown in now are nowhere as valuable as the same time that could be spent on Artisteer allowing for a RWD theme aspect.

Come on guys, lets wake up!

Im looking around ...
Nicola Navone

Posted: 6/7/2012
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I'm an Artisteer Customer (3.x).
I'll +1 this thread.

I'll pay again for a ART 4.0 containing several Responsive Templates.

Go on with this wonderful project!

Posted: 6/8/2012
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@wemley2000 -

Quote :
This means that although we might have a responsive template, it will fail at the first hurdle because the component part of the CMS does not support responsive design.

Although I haven't tested every component in Joomla, Dolphin or WordPress, what you are saying is not a true statement. (1) Javascripts and CSS3 can handle any image, header and text to make them responsive to screen size. (2) Creating mobile sites is more about stripping out the "extra junk" rather than putting in new code. That's why you have so many apps that can automatically create a mobile site from a regular website on the fly (even though they are ugly). (3) New mobile and responsive components are coming out by the truckload each day for CMS(s). There will be plenty choices to choose from in the near future. (4) Responsive sites just don't show a "desktop page" (whatever that means). If Artisteer can create a responsive design app, an end user can create a completely different design for mobile or notebook machines. This is a concept a lot of you guys are not grasping. And this is the reason (affordability) why responsive-design sites will be more popular than iOS-designed sites.

Posted: 6/29/2012
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I'd pay almost any amount of money for that feature to be built into artisteer, as long they put in some other long awaited but missing features like multiple styles for blocks/modules, webkit/google fonts support etc...

Posted: 6/29/2012
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Here's my second responsive site using Artisteer. (Doing it the hard way.) But all the tools are there.

Posted: 10/12/2012
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Downloaded the demo and ran a test last week...the templates ARE responsive!!!

Posted: 10/18/2012
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Thinking about buying. I read your responsive thread. Are all the templates now responsive?

Posted: 11/18/2012
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Quote :
Downloaded the demo and ran a test last week...the templates ARE responsive!!!

If anyone's done a theme in Artisteer 4.0 that proves it's a responsive theme, please post the URL here.


Posted: 11/19/2012
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Quote Raymond:

Quote :
Downloaded the demo and ran a test last week...the templates ARE responsive!!!

If anyone's done a theme in Artisteer 4.0 that proves it's a responsive theme, please post the URL here.


All the themes here are , try them yourself;

Posted: 11/27/2012
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Quote JamesSawyer:

+1 Responsive design

This is becoming a necessity, NOT an option for most designers.

I will keep my Artisteer subscription going if it has Responsive template options.

Perhaps this message is old, but I don't get it Artisteer themes are responsive.

Posted: 1/26/2013
Quote message made with 4.1
menu in responsive mode is terrible impossible to use
banner are not resizing
image in the heather and joomfish flag are mixing as they want with no sense!
Please help

Posted: 1/27/2013
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It doesn't look like you have the "responsive web design" option activated when you export. On your page, I should see a link to two files that resemble the following:

1) style.responsive.css
2) style.responsive.css

None of those file exist on your page. (You're also missing the "viewport" meta tag.) Your page width is simply responding to a min-width set size and is not responsive at all.

Just before you export, you should select the "Options" button on the bottom-right corner of the Export window. In the newly opened "Options" window, select "General" >> "Responsive Web Design." Make sure the pull-down menud reads "Yes."

If that doesn't work install 4.0.

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