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Posted: 7/29/2011
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This version was released on June 2 2011, and this was the first official 3.0 release. The reason I'm still using this version is that I use it for a CMS not supported by Artisteer. We are waiting for V3.1 to come out, to make our CMS compatible with that version... we see no new features between the version that we are using and the latest one. So, here is the bug:

Not in all templates, but in some cases, I create a template with a sidebar which has Vertical menu, newsletter, highlights, and Company info. However, when I load it again, I only get the vertical menu, and the newsletter. The highlights, and company info. are gone. Not too big of a problem, but very annoying... I can save it as any other file name I want, same results.

So my question is: Has this bug been fixed with the latest version, or Artisteer needs to look at this bug and do something about it by V3.1?
Peter S

Posted: 7/30/2011
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If your license is still valid, and you're able to get the latest version, you can simply test it yourself.

If not, then what is this other CMS?

Posted: 7/30/2011
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I think in case of some CMSs like Joomla you need need to add that modules on left or right positions from Extensions -> Manager from your Joomla admin.

Posted: 7/30/2011
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I think in case of some CMSs like Joomla you need need to add that modules on left or right positions from Extensions -> Manager from your Joomla admin.

Posted: 8/1/2011
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yep, that's not a bug.
all changes with a content you have to do in your CMS Administration Panel, because Artisteer creates only designs for CMS.

Posted: 8/1/2011
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Thanks for all the help guys. I know that you can change the sidebars in my CMS Admin panel, via Widgets in Wordpress, modules in Joomla, etc... But what if it was a static web site you were creating? What if your cms can only use predefined sidebars determined by your template?

The point is, the way you save your Artisteer file, that's exactly how it should load back up when you open it in Artisteer. When you save your templates with 4 sidebar items (Vertical menu, Newsletter, Highlights, and company Info), and when you load the template back in Artisteer, and there are only 2, that is a bug, period.

I think you did miss the point... again it's not a big deal, but still a small bug. Exactly how the template looks when you are saving it, that's exactly how it should load up in Artisteer when you open it up again.


Posted: 8/1/2011
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To Hmm:

Please read my original posting to why I am using an older version. I wrote an intro. so people would not think I'm using a cracked version. Besides, no matter what version anyone is using, if you have a cracked version, you would not be able to save the file. Obviously, I can save the files in Artisteer, but in some rare cases, the sidebars are not exactly how I saved them. Not always, just with 1 or 2 rare templates, and I can't tell what causes this behavior.

I made a lot of money thanks to Artisteer, and as a professional, it would be stupid not to buy this software, specially when it only costs $129 + $60 annually. VERY STUPID ! Artisteer is worth every single cent, and some. Besides the CMS, it is my most important tool in creating professional looking and functioning web sites.

Look, I'm not looking for solutions, it is what it is, I'm just letting everyone know about it, so if it's not fixed, to kindly be fixed with V3.1.

Furthermore, the CMS that I'm using Artisteer with, is Quickersite, and please feel free to contact the owner of that CMS, to find out that QuickerSite supports up to the June 2 release. The developer is waiting for the V3.1 release to update QuickerSite and synchronize it with the latest version of Artisteer (hopefully very soon). He made his CMS to be 100% compatible with Artisteer made Wordpress or ASP.NET templates (both exported as html).

If other developers follow his footsteps, we would have more software choices, specially e-commerce software packages like Prestashop, or Opencart. Artisteer made it very clear many times, that it cannot support the 1000's of CMS out there, and I totally understand that. So all the unsupported CMS have to adapt to Artisteer if they want to combine both products automatically, like we have with Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal, etc...


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