Content Block Title

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Posted: 7/25/2011
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Using drupal 7, I am having an issue when placing a block in the "content" section of my website. The block title is unformatted for some reason....if I place the block in the left sidebar then the block if formatted correctly.

Also, if I place the block in any of the banner sections it is still unformatted.

Any advice on this? I've looked into the block.tpl.php, and css file and am not sure where the error is

Posted: 8/30/2011
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I'm having the same issue. Is there a workaround for this problem?

Posted: 8/30/2011
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I have a workaround for the problem.

The $block->subject is output in block.tpl.php.

In block.tpl.php change line 21 from

<?php echo $block->subject; ?>


<?php echo "<div class=\"custom-block-subject\">".$block->subject."</div>"; ?>

Then in style.css you can define the custom-block-subject class with the properties that you want.

.custom-block-subject {
font-size: 25px;
