or not

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La Podenquera

Posted: 6/17/2011
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If I want to build a webpage entirely in Artisteer, must I then use or can I use another webhost?
If I use another webhost how do I then upgrade the page?

Posted: 6/17/2011
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You don't have to use as a host.

Use an FTP client, FileZilla for example, to upload to the host of your choice.
Blue Sky

Posted: 6/17/2011
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No disrespect but you do not build a website in Artisteer. Artisteer is a Theme or style sheet or template that controls how the site looks. The site itself is built using wordpress, joomla, html etc.
La Podenquera

Posted: 6/17/2011
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Sorry to correct you Blue Sky but with Artisteer 3 you can now build the entire webpage in Artisteer too. I am doing it right now.

I choosed to stay with since I could keep my own url.

Posted: 6/17/2011
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1. You can use to cover most of your website needs
(custom domain features is supported)
2. You can use any hosing. Export HTML Template and upload your site using FTP
3. You can create Theme/Template using Artisteer and use WP, Joomla or other CMS to specify content

Posted: 6/19/2011
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Yes, you can use any of the supported CMSs: