Permanent links to this post - change size

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John Mild

Posted: 5/19/2011
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Hello! How do I change the color and size of the "permanent link to this post" in artisteer ver. ?

theme for wordpress

Thank you.

Posted: 9/20/2011
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Hi there John,

I only started testing our Artisteer today to see if it can meet my needs and I too had the same issue. I am using the trial version, but this may help you get the results you are after.

>choose 'articles' from the main menu and choose the 'header' collection of tools. (You will see it has 'header', 'date', 'author', and 'edit' as menu options).

>Click header from this group and you will see further drop down menu options.

> The middle collection of tools 'headline' are the tools that control the the prema links for headlines. You can change colour, size and font group all from here.

NOTE: When it comes to specifically changing the colour of the text here - I noticed that it did not change this within the visual interface of the Artisteer program - but once I tested it it in WP it was change to the correct colour I had selected.

Not sure if this was just a glitch I had with the trial version or not.
Hope this helps, Gigi



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