Background Image Size

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PJ Cruz

Posted: 5/6/2011
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When selecting your own background using the "Background Tab" what are the recommend image size and extension? (png, jpg)

Posted: 5/7/2011
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Personally I don't go smaller than 1300px wide. The height depends on my layout but I'll go for 1000px minimum.
jpg is my preferred extension and I try not to exceed 500kb (smaller is better) in size. I will also centre align my background.

PJ Cruz

Posted: 5/11/2011
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Quote Johann:

Personally I don't go smaller than 1300px wide. The height depends on my layout but I'll go for 1000px minimum.
jpg is my preferred extension and I try not to exceed 500kb (smaller is better) in size. I will also centre align my background.

Thank you

Posted: 5/17/2011
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The background image which is not repeated(x and y) can only cover the entire background upto a limited screen resolution, so it is not possible to determine the max size of image.

You should consider repeating the background image or inserting a big image.

Debbie Mahler

Posted: 6/8/2011
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Quote Garry:

The background image which is not repeated(x and y) can only cover the entire background upto a limited screen resolution, so it is not possible to determine the max size of image.

You should consider repeating the background image or inserting a big image.

From what I've seen from the way Artisteer saves the finished product, it shouldn't matter about the image size of the background. It looks like the software chops up the background image to fit. At least that's the way it looks from my finished products.

I've used very large background images and never had a problem with the limitations of screen resolutions.

Just my experience for what it's worth.


Posted: 9/18/2012
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Resolution is 1350x1570

Posted: 10/11/2012
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is there isn't a preferred size.... is there a preferred aspect ratio then?

Posted: 10/11/2012
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@ CD_S

Simple solution is to export a demo template to see the size of background image that is in images folder.

Posted: 3/27/2013
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This is ridiculous. I'm using a background 1350p x 1866px and guess what, Kiddies? It still ain't big enough! And, there's no option I can find that will let me just "stretch" it.

I'll need a freaking image the size of New Mexico and that won't be big enough...


Posted: 6/18/2013
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Try putting the background image in after theme export using the css style sheet and scaling it with backgound-size:cover then the image will fill the space.
Dave B

Posted: 6/19/2013
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Quote PJ Cruz:

When selecting your own background using the "Background Tab" what are the recommend image size and extension? (png, jpg)

First of all there is no real answer to this. Think about the largest screens a site is viewed in. GA will let you see that. Here is a website that has had 37,000 visits. The largest viewed screen resolution was 2144x1206. So if you want to make sure it's going to fill the largest one this would be a good size to approach. Always make the background color similar so when the background shows if they have a larger resolution it's not a huge contrast.

VERY important thing to remember is that Artisteer will CHANGE the image file size on you. I always optimize my images as far as possible with Photoshop. I will add a large resolution image at say 400KB and when exported it will be upwards of 800KB. This is a huge problem and you need to be aware of this. The options are replace this page.jpg or what ever it's called after export. The reason it's happening is there is a global setting for image quality under the image format setting. It defaults to 95% which will blow up any optimized image to over 2x the file size. You can tweak this until you get some balance. I really wish this was a optional setting since I optimize ALL my photos for every site. I don't need their program trying to do what Photoshop does better.

Quote :
This is ridiculous. I'm using a background 1350p x 1866px and guess what, Kiddies? It still ain't big enough! And, there's no option I can find that will let me just "stretch" it. I'll need a freaking image the size of New Mexico and that won't be big enough...

I don't know what your settings are but all my background images fill the size up to what the actual images is. If you view it in a smaller resolution browser then it will just be cut off.

Here is an example of a background image I use. It's crunched to 80KB and pixelated but that's done on purpose. It is 2500x1200px and will fill a screen that large. Artisteer does not change the resolution by default.

Posted: 2/22/2014
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Interesting question and responses. I have a very large image for my background but it still ends on the screen when I Ctrl- to shrink the screen. This does not happen with Artisteer 4 included screens. Has anyone found a fix that works or even what directory the included screens are in so we can examine them to see the specifications?

Thanks for any help.

Posted: 2/22/2014
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Solved: Near the top of your Style CSS file you will see something like this;
margin: 0 auto;
padding: 0;
background-image: url('../images/Page-BgTexture.jpg');
background-attachment: fixed;
background-position: bottom left;
Change the repeat-x to repeat

It worked for me.