Embedding large header images

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Mitch 5713

Posted: 5/5/2011
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Has this ever been resolved I want to be able to do the same as follows:
"have put my personal image on the header. but what i want is, i want top of my picture to be able to displayed beyond the header size. so, for example if i got an image of a man standing. i want the lower part of the body inside the header while top of the body displayed outside the header top.

so it gave an impression that the picture displayed beyond the header. can i do that using artisteer?
Also how do i put multiple images in the header using artisteer 3


Mark H.

Posted: 5/16/2011
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I've done this on a few sites...
for example... the oval logo extends beyond the normal Artisteer header.

Since Artisteer 2.6 didn't support this sort of header, I simple left room for the over sized logo and used CSS to position a content block (drupal block) over the header. This also has the nice side effect of letting me make the logo a link, and the logo will print even if the user has background images turned off for printing.

Mark C

Posted: 5/18/2011
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I've started something similar here:

By simply using a background image (with a transparent background) positioned where I wanted it, and then using the same image for the header, positioned to fit.