DNN Search box & login does not appear

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Posted: 4/15/2011
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I can't get the DNN search box (nor the DNN login control) to appear in my Artisteer generated skin after having insalled the skin in my DNN v5.6.1 portal. Here is what I did in Artisteer in an attempt to have them appearing:

On the "Layout" menu of Artisteer I ensured that "Search Position" and "Login position" are indicated as being in one of the "Blocks" in my skin.

Once having done the Artisteer client shows me see the Search box and login control appearing in the selected block. So far so good.

When I then export the skin as DNN v5 skin and install it in my portal neither the search box nor the login control appears in the designated block on any page that has this skin.

Is there something I am neglecting to do? I am using Artisteer v. 2.6


Posted: 4/19/2011
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I opened a ticket about this and got a reply. They clarified that when you indicate under the "Layout" menu, either the "Search Position" or the "Login position" it indeed shows how the skin would look with the search or login control in that position, but they will not be added to the skin generated by Artisteer. This visualisation is only provided only (and I quote from the reply I got) "so you can see how your blocks and content will look like, if you add them in your CMS administration."

This is not at all apparent to a user, especially when you consider that the expectation is clearly set with the rest of the tool that a change made via one of options in the set of Artisteer options, will be reflected in the visualisation below and then in the exported skin/theme.

From a User Experience (UX) point of view this is completely inconsistent. I have replied to them about this on the ticket and await their reply.

Posted: 5/11/2011
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If you are using 3.0 and exporting a site with a vertical menu to DNN. Tick all of the export options, then UNTICK the DNN Menus. The Login/Logout button magically appears. If the DNN Menus option is ticked, they are gone.

It sounds too simple, but that is my experience so far.

Posted: 5/14/2011
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Steve, When you do this where do the Login/logout buttons 'magically' appear? Top right hand corner? Elsewhere? I tried what you advise for a skin WITHOUT a vertical menu and the login/logout links appear, as usual, in the menu. I am using the latest v3.0 RC.

Posted: 8/21/2011
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Steve.. Sorry rotor to say thanks for your original post.

Posted: 11/11/2011
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After creating a DNN skin in artisteer, i tried to ad the searchinput module to my left column to have it there on my site as it appears in artisteer.

The sad truth is that it doesnt at all appear like in artisteer, the textbox is far too big to fit in the column.

Same goes for user login, the textboxes are far too big til fit the width of the column and then weird stuff happens because one would think that itd automatically put the textbox on a line below the labels.....well it does but the textboxes get so much indent/margin on their left side so they could as well have stayed on the same line as their labels. :(

The portal is DNN 6.1 and im using Artisteer 3.0.

So far it seems artisteer is great for a number of things and u can get a nice design real fast, but when u start to add modules that isnt just text/html modules in dnn afterwards, it screws up epically and all the time u saved building the design using artisteer is rapidly spend googling for fixes and get things to actually work. :-<


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