menu button

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Posted: 3/16/2011
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iv done a few template for my website...but always end up with my old menu buttons?? using soholauch content manager with artisteer plugin anyone got a clue??...thx

Posted: 3/18/2011
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You should explain your issue in some detail.
Omar Abdallah

Posted: 3/22/2011
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I'm new to artisteer,and just downloaded it one week back and got the chance to test it and create a great template for my page.

The software is excellent,lovely,easy to use and so many positive points.

Just I'm facing 2 problems:

1-Copy/Paste the created .xml file won't show the real template that was created.

2-"publish to blogger"option worked great for me,except that the "menu"which should be placed after the header is incomplete.meaning:in the artisteer designed page I have 3 buttons (Home, menu item,about) ,but the exported template has only the "Home"button.

Any thing I can do with the exporting settings in artisteer or the layout options??
Mark C

Posted: 3/22/2011
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The "3" menu items in Artisteer are only placeholders to show you what a menu will look like. You have to create the menu then yourself in whatever CMS you are using. I'm not sure if it's possible to create menus in Blogger.

Perhaps posting your question in the Artisteer Blogger forum would be more useful for you.


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