Artisteer 2.6/3.0 - sidebar in blog page but not in comment page (Wordpress)

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Posted: 2/21/2011
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I've tried both Artisteer 2.6 and 3.0 Beta to create my own Wordpress theme with nice looks.

However, one thing is really bugging me. My "Home" page is also the blog page. On this I want to have one right sidebar for a few widgets.

With the Wordpress "custom sidebar" plugin I can customize the sidebars on all the other pages to have different widgets than Home, and even remove all widgets.

However, when opening a single blog post or clicking the Comment link whatever widgets are used on Home also appear on this "page". I would like to make this page a single column page, i.e. no widgets in a sidebar.

Can anyone please help me achieve this?

Michelle Shelton

Posted: 2/22/2011
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I am looking to do exactly the same thing. I am completely frustrated with it and even when I remove the sidebars with the leaves an invisible placeholder so the content won't go all the way to the right or left.

I hope you find an answer...I am ready to say goodbye to Artisteer for this one reason and I have had 5 people purchase through my affiliate site. I am always telling everyone how I love it...this is a big problem.

Let me know if you get it to work somehow. I may have to go to genesis or thesis if I don't get it resolved.

Michelle :-X
Michelle Shelton

Posted: 2/22/2011
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:-) :-{} :-{} :-{} :-{} O:) :-) :-) :-) :-)
You are going to LOVE me. I found a plugin that makes this easy. What I did was I built 4 versions of my template. In other words I took the template I had and I took the sidebars off completely so I can add content from side to side. Then I saved it. Then I added my sidebars where I wanted and saved it under another name and so on. However many sidebars you want.
THEN...load this plugin:
Page Theme.
You can pick whatever template you want to use on EVERY page. Works like a dream.
Hope this helps. Michelle


Posted: 2/23/2011
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I might just do that ;-) :-{}

I haven't had time to try it out yet, but are you saying that the "Page Theme" plugin allows you to choose the template to use on the Comment "page"?

The problem I faced was that the "custom sidebar" plugin did indeed let you customize the sidebar widgets on every page that you add in Wordpress admin. Artisteer let's you choose whether your Main "page", the blog in my case, should be visible in the horizontal menu (which I have) and what its name should be. This is configurable in the Artisteer config file.

However, the main/blog "page" isn't really treated as a real Wordpress page in the sense that it appears under the Wordpress page admin. This means that the "custom sidebar" plugin cannot change the widgets in Main's sidebar. You have to set this in Artisteer when creating your main theme. As a consequence the Comment page inherits the settings from Main and the widgets appear in the sidebar.

So, does the Page Theme plugin offer a solution to this?


SMILIES :-) :( :-D 8-) :*) :-/ :-{} :-X :-O :-@ O:) :-P :-< :-( :-| ;-) 
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