aditional css style - ie only commands

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Posted: 2/4/2011
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Hello, <br><br>

I'm adding additional css style in the artisteer 3.0 and I'have a question.
How to mark commands that only IE should read?
For example I have something like this:<br><br>
position: relative;<br> command;<br> command;<br>
left: -5px;<br>
top: -5px;<br><br>

And now, all commands should be readable by any browser beside the two last commands "left and top". This two has to be readable only by IE.
How can I do this with artisteer? How to mark those commands only for IE?<br><br>

Many thanks<br>


Posted: 2/10/2011
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You answered your own question.

Top and left for IE7, margin-top:0; - margin-left:0; for rest of browsers.
Say you want -5 just for IE7.

You cannot tweak for all IE, IE8 and IE9 Beta are totally different.

Posted: 2/10/2011
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And put top only in IE6, IE7 CSS files. If you want for IE8,9 too, read at Google how to force IE8,9 to pick separat stylesheets.


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