Exporting Menu CSS without the Menu

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Anand Nathan

Posted: 2/3/2011
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I was wondering if it was possible to export the CSS for the DNN navigation menu's, but not the menu itself.

I'm trying to use the DNN Garden menu with the ArtisteerFish style but as a module, not by editing the template. So I would export from Artisteer but without a menu, and add the DNN Garden menu to TopPane of every page. The problem is that when I export without a menu, the CSS for the menu also doesn't come through.

Any suggestions? Maybe this is more of a feature request.
Steven Webster

Posted: 2/8/2011
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You could export normally then modify the skin,ascx and skin-admin.ascx by removing the menu reference and replacing that div with a menu pane reference.

Not perfect from a product export perspective but it would allow you to accomplish what you want.
Anand Nathan

Posted: 2/15/2011
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Thanks Steve. I should have mentioned that I'm trying to avoid modifying the generated template. We'd like to purchase Artisteer for our artists so that they can make theme changes without needing a programmer.

Steven Webster

Posted: 2/17/2011
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Oh, well there is an option in the Layout panel (Layout Settings) for no Header Only or Simple which would not include the menu.


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