HTML 5 and CSS 3.0 Support

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Posted: 1/20/2011
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Will Artisteer 3.0 support HTM5 and CSS 3.0?

Posted: 1/20/2011
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Why? Browsers don't even support it. Who's going to go to your HTML5/CSS3 website if their browser can't display it properly.

Posted: 1/21/2011
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Quote wiser3:

Why? Browsers don't even support it. Who's going to go to your HTML5/CSS3 website if their browser can't display it properly.

For Mobile devices to see your site.

Posted: 1/26/2011
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Quote JOE:

Quote wiser3:

Why? Browsers don't even support it. Who's going to go to your HTML5/CSS3 website if their browser can't display it properly.

For Mobile devices to see your site.

Mobile devices support the HTML5/CSS3 standards even less than regular browsers.

If you're website warrants concern for mobile device visitors, then you shouldn't be relying on an app like Artisteer anyways. This is a least common denominator theme design tool.

If you're worried about media consumption, like videos, use something like JWPlayer for JQuery. It renders HTML5 canvas unless the browser can't handle it, then it gracefully steps back to whatever you used.

Posted: 1/26/2011
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Quote Peter:
Mobile devices support the HTML5/CSS3 standards even less than regular browsers.

I assume he's talking about CSS3 media queries, which are supported as far back as the 2nd generation iPhone, and of course all modern iOS, Android, and Blackberry devices.

Is this the best way to serve mobile content? I'm not sure - many people find it easier to just serve two versions of the site. I'm on the fence about it.

Would it be practical to integrate into Artisteer? Probably not, unless it had its own "mobile theme designer" interface. There are lots of creative options that need to be considered when using media queries.

This would require lots of coding and testing, and wouldn't necessarily be used or appreciated by a fairly large portion of the Artisteer base, so I can say with certainty that it will not be included in Artisteer 3.

Posted: 6/21/2011
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I need HTML5 + CSS3 now. Browsers, include IE, do support it, if you know how to implement it.

Posted: 6/23/2011
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What about old IEs ! some of them still have more market share than Opera and Safari !!


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