Uploading on Blogger

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Isabelle Lussier

Posted: 1/18/2011
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I am new at using this program. And I am wondering if I need to do something special to upload my new design on my blog.

I did it on a testblog but to be honest the real one has all these little things on the side and some coding on numbering the comments for draws as well as code for google analytics.

So if I upload the code on my REAL LIVE blog, will it make the coding for numbering the comments as well as the code for google analytics disappear? Will the add-ons I have on the side will stay there?

Can someone confirm? I have the latest version 3.0 Beta.

Posted: 1/19/2011
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Isabelle Lussier
if you have custom code in html widgets, it will stay after publishing.
but if you have custom code in your current theme, it will disappear.


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