Can I view the preset background images from Artisteer?

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B. Gear

Posted: 1/8/2011
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Is it possible to "open" or "view" he preset background images found in Artisteer, using Microsoft photoviewer, Gimp, photoshop or otherwise? The image files are labeled as jpeg, yet I can't open up and see the images without using artisteer in any way, shape or form. I really like some of the background images found in Artisteer and I want to see it up close, but I can't. :(

Posted: 1/12/2011
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Artisteer library images are encrypted, you can use in your template but can't edit them outside Artisteer.

Posted: 1/12/2011
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1. Use the image in a theme
2. Save theme
3. Open the theme/images folder
4. View the images in GIMP or other image software 8-)

Posted: 1/12/2011
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By "Save theme" I meant to say "Export theme" :*)

Posted: 1/18/2011
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If anyone fancied posting a tutorial on how to create backgrounds/glares that operate in the same way as Artisteer's in-built ones, that would be all kinds of awesome!

Now, im no slouch when it comes to photoshop - but i have to admit, im struggling to get glares i've tried to make from scratch to display correctly, and it would be nice to know what dimensions the original backgrounds are - as the exported images are a composite of any texture/gradient/glare you use in the theme creation.

Posted: 1/22/2011
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Width of glares is totally irelevant, because how it looks depends of monitor resolutions.

Better write in detail problems you are struggling with ?


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