right sidebar IE and Artisteer 3

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Posted: 12/4/2010
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Hello everybody,
I tried out to create a little template with the aktual preview of Artisteer 3. The functionallity it great - I like it!

But I run in a problem with this version and IE.
I created a 3 column layout, each column the same size (284px). Now, if I fill only content and a block in the right sidebar, than this right sidebar appears outside the content in IE. If I include a block also in the left sidebar, everything is fine. Also fine, if I put a block in left sidebar and fill in content.
Is there a way to fix this?

Posted: 12/4/2010
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OK, I compared with Artisteer 2. Could it be, that for fixed layout the following definitions are missing in the style.css ?? Or is this replaced with some other definitions?

.art-content-layout .art-content {   width: 286px; } .art-content-layout .art-content-sidebar1 {   width: 572px; } .art-content-layout .art-content-sidebar2 {   width: 572px; } .art-content-layout .art-content-wide {   width: 100%; }


Posted: 12/5/2010
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Here is my fix, and just modify a value in script.js, no any place on css:


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