.Net MVC+Artisteer3 = One powerful and flexible solution.

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LANdango Mike

Posted: 11/25/2010
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I'm very impressed with Artisteer 3.0 Beta and the new web site creation is simply brilliant. I have worked with DotNetNuke for several years and Artisteer gave new life to those sites; as well as, re-charged my client base.

DotNetNuke, as many folks know, is like driving a tank to the bank. :-) It's just too much administrative work to maintain -- and I won't even go into the headaches of DNN upgrade issues. My point is that MVC's performance is far superior to anything ASP.Net alone can provide.

At the core, Artisteer is a game changer. The UI's cut/paste feature allowed my team to convert some simple sites in the matter of hours, if not minutes. Customers are happy with the raw performance of static HTML over a content management system (CMS) like DNN or even WordPress. The downside, of course, is that static content is not as flexible as the dynamic nature provided by a CMS; for instance the simple ability to change content at will-- which static html cannot provide natively.

The middle ground is Microsoft VC, which is commonly mistaken for Model View Controller. (a play on words really, because MVC from Microsoft does not have a model natively created when a new project is started). Search for Scott Hanselman for details or visit http://channel9.msdn.com/blogs/matthijs/aspnet-mvc-2-basics-introduction-by-scott-hanselman).

My point of this post is that Artisteer has revolutionary product full of brilliantly designed features and strong approach at solving a decade-long gap in our industry. However, I strongly believe that, well as a Artisteer user is concerned, that Artisteer should consider filling the gap in MVC support. Even if a minimum support for MVC master pages, I believe, Artisteer’s client base would go viral in the world-wide .Net community.

I'm sure that Team Artisteer is hard at work hashing out the kinks in v3; I'm just hoping that they'll surprise us with MVC support very, very soon.

Thanks for making a market-leading product.



Posted: 1/11/2011
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codeigniter mvc support +1

Posted: 1/14/2011
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I 2nd (or is that 3rd) a motion to at least very simple template support for asp.net mvc. at the moment, I go through a farily big rigmarole in order to tweak the normal asp.net (or even html) template to match the mvc requirement. if this were supplied under the hood, i'd save half a day a week.

that alone would justify the price of a yearly support fee for me.


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