Blocks don't disappear in og_panels

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Posted: 10/27/2010
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In Panel pages and also in og_panels, you have the option to override blocks in a theme. This means that when normally certain content would appear in left of right column that these would disappear, giving the Panel user the freedom to use that space differently. Now I discovered that this function does not work with Artisteer themes. I was wondering if anybody was able to fix this and how. The function I am talking about is called:

Show blocks: If unchecked, the standard group blocks will not be shown unless you place them into your page content. This gives admin more control over page presentation.


Posted: 10/28/2010
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I've used Panels and haven't encountered this issue. I guess it's strictly og_panels related.

If this is any help, I've found you can do everything with views instead of using Panels. Create a view, set a path. In that view, place in the header a table with two columns, both at 50%, and place your views in each side using PHP code. This will display your views you need.

If this isn't a solution, you could check to see what theming variants Artisteer isn't supplying for og_panels to function and submit a support request, or add them in yourself. If you need further help, just ask. :-)