Can this be recreated with Artisteer

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Mirko Filipovic

Posted: 9/1/2010
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Hi all,

I saw a website I really like and I downloaded a demo version of Artisteer and I'm still trying to figure out how to use it.
But can the design from this site be recreated using Artisteer? Of course, I don't intend on copying the site design in it's entirety but get most of the look and feel of it and change some colors and images. I'm wondering if I can create a theme that would look almost like this. I'm an intermediate CSS and XHTML user so I'm okay if a little tweaking has to be done.

Please let me know before I buy Artisteer

Posted: 9/1/2010
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You could come close and it would take some work, but you can do it.
Mirko Filipovic

Posted: 9/1/2010
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What issues do you think I would be facing recreating this using Artisteer?

Posted: 9/2/2010
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Quite honestly, it looks like a Fireworks jobby. It may be "pleasing" at first sight, but it is certainly not an efficient design at all, especially if you are wanting to have a CMS. I don't recommend trying to imitate the site, but as far as the navigation icons, you could try to mimic this.

Posted: 9/2/2010
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And by the way, why did you post this in the Drupal area of the forums? Please don't do that. I fail to see how this has anything to do with Drupal. If people keep posting such threads in forum areas they're not designed for, then it junks up the forums and it makes it really difficult on the rest of us who actually need to use these forums. :-@

Posted: 9/2/2010
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My queustion is why on earth would you want to recreate that site? :-@

Posted: 9/2/2010
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Tom, taste. It's all about taste. ...Not my taste, personally. But, apparently Mirko Filipovic likes it. :-{} :-)

Posted: 9/2/2010
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It says it is for colleges but looks more like it should be for elementary school. A little young looking.