Large Empty Spaces

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Posted: 8/24/2010
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There are some places with empty spaces for example if you add the blog there is about 1/4 inch space on top of the word blog and the same at the bottom of the word blog.

One thing I did see in the software itself I cannot change the title text size the word Text always stays large even if I changed the size it will only change it on the web but not in the software example, does this have to do with my experience with the space.


Posted: 8/26/2010
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This is default behavior of Artisteer.

Start Artisteer > Articles > Header > Header Layout > (Here)

That's where you define the appearance of header titles. Defining padding & margins of titles doesn't seem to be an available feature, however a worthy feature request. Here's a link to get you started. :-)

If you would like to modify headers, look through your style.css / page.tpl.php files generated by Artisteer.