How the program define dhe color in suggest color button

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Posted: 8/10/2010
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Hello . I'm looking the program. I have a question. How does the program define the color when i press the suggest button in program. If is a algorithm how can i see it. PLEASE HELP ME

Posted: 9/4/2010
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You'd have to see the source, which unfortunately for you, is protected. An Artisteer representative may view this thread and give you an idea of how it does it, but for now, let's pretend it's random. :-P
Dave Porter

Posted: 9/4/2010
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I Think ENT is asking more about HOW the program generates colours rather than how to look at the resulting colours!

But I think there are quite a few preset colour ranges that are used to generate the colours along with the other aspects of the design.

Posted: 9/5/2010
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There are three that I can think of.

1. What Dave Porter mentions, presets.
2. Color blending, fixed regions will always have the same generated colors, and there are several fixed regions.
3. Completely random.

Now I'm trying to figure out how this information is useful. Perhaps applying your own color presets? That would be one excellent feature.

Posted: 9/10/2010
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Artisteer color schemes are based on there colors which you can define under "color and fonts" tab.