Themed Sidebar Won't Appear in Drupal Site

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Posted: 7/30/2010
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Does anyone know how to make the themed drupal sidebar appear on the drupal site? I have themed the sidebar in Artisteer, but when I upload it to Drupal, all the appropriate changes are made to the site according the to Artisteer theme, except that instead of buttons on the sidebar, I get bullet points... So how can I make the themed sidebar appear?


Posted: 7/31/2011
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Quote Armel:

Hi guys, Thanks if you were going to reply, I figured out that I was supposed to put my secondary links on the "Left Vertical Menu" rather than "Left Sidebar", so I'd just like to close this thread

Hi, hope you can help me.
I did the same but if i switch to left v menue no link will be displayed.
on left sidebar all links are vissable.
What is my mistake?

Thank you