Logo on Left, Flash on Right in Header

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Posted: 6/8/2010
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I am trying to add Flash to the right side in the header and a logo on the left side.
However, Flash seems to take over the entire header unless I add a text block on the left side.
So then I was going to put the logo as a background image. But the text block moves the background image to the right as well.

So what is the best way to get Flash on the right side and a logo on the left?


Posted: 6/8/2010
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This may help you!



Posted: 7/12/2010
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Didn't help me, and I have the same problem. Anyone have a resolution to this problem for a gurl who still codes in HTML and is CSS clueless? My entire template is done except for this issue and it's makin' me nuts. Is the answer to use the Flash Parameters dialog box that is not mentioned in the manual anywhere? How would one go about this? It's beyond me why the Flash Position function doesn't, well... function. At least not as it should.
Ian Shere

Posted: 7/12/2010
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Adding a flash image in Artisteer is a waste of time - it auto sizes and makes a total mess of it. Been there, done that.

You're better to finish your template and export it, then hack the code. Easy to do. Out of my own "Tricks and Tips" Word doc I've made...

How to add a module position

Add to index.php
at the end of <div class="art-sheet"> before <div class="art-sheet-body">
<div class="module_a name"><jdoc:include type="modules" name="a name" /></div>
Add to the bottom of template.css
div.module_a name
position: absolute;
top: 450px; /* position */
left: 200px; /*position*/
z-index: 2;
(Alter “top” and “left” values to move around the page – absolute to top left corner. Adjust z-index higher if obscured by other page items, or lower if obscuring other page items)

"a name" is whatever name you want to give to your new module position. For example, I rarely have the search module within the body of the page, usually positioning it in the header or menu bar. So my new module name and position is "search".

I hope that makes it clear. Now, to add your flash item, use the extension "Simple Image Holder" a free extension. I displays flash very well. Publish it to your new module position and adjust the top and left values till it's positioned correctly.

I knew no PHP or CSS 6 months ago and still don't know a lot, just enough for some simple hacks. It's imperative you know at least a little or your template production will be limited.

Good luck.


Posted: 8/20/2012
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The solution is to change the header.php file where the flash file sits.
So insert the flash file into your Artisteer as per normal it will sit on the left.
Then export and add to WordPress open the header.php file and look for this code

<object data="http://motivatetoday.co.za/wp-content/themes/motivatetodaygears/images/flash.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="209" height="130" >

after "130" add this


Amend according to the position you'd like the flash file to sit in your header.



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