How-to: put "User3" menu at the bottom of a Joomla! template

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Posted: 5/6/2010
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Here's a way to get the styled "User3" menu to display directly above the footer:

Look for this code in your index.php

<?php echo artxPositions($document, array('bottom1', 'bottom2', 'bottom3'), 'art-block'); ?>
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="banner6" style="artstyle" artstyle="art-nostyle" />
<div class="art-footer">

Make an empty line so it now looks like this:

<?php echo artxPositions($document, array('bottom1', 'bottom2', 'bottom3'), 'art-block'); ?>
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="banner6" style="artstyle" artstyle="art-nostyle" />

<div class="art-footer">

Now go up in the page and CUT this line of code:

<jdoc:include type="modules" name="user3" />

... and PASTE it into the empty line so that it now looks like this:

<?php echo artxPositions($document, array('bottom1', 'bottom2', 'bottom3'), 'art-block'); ?>
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="banner6" style="artstyle" artstyle="art-nostyle" />
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="user3" />
<div class="art-footer">

Save, and there you have your styled "User3" menu down at the bottom. You can use the same method to place it in another spot on the template. Be advised though, that with it at the bottom, if you have sub-menus, they will go down ... may not be the desired result. Getting them to go elsewhere would be another "tutorial" :)


Posted: 12/3/2010
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Alex, you're right, all it does is copying the module to the bottom of the page.

Here's the actual solution to this:

find the file called default.php in your /templates/yourtemplatename/html/mod_mainmenu folder

open it.
find the line

if (isset($attribs['name']) && $attribs['name'] == 'user3') {

(i have it on line 122)

and add || 'banner6' after user3

so it will look like this:

if (isset($attribs['name']) && $attribs['name'] == 'user3' || 'banner6') {

now your banner6 module is displayed the same way as your user3!

tried and tested :)

Posted: 10/19/2011
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did not work for me madis


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