Move the wordpress header menu around.

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Posted: 5/5/2010
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Hey guys,

I cannot find anywhere some info on how I can move the menu bar around and move the header image around to suit the style I need.

I think this might be because wordpress is not good at more then one colum, however someone here might know.

I'm after something just like this header layout:


Posted: 5/5/2010
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You could do this in the style.css and the header.php

Set the width of the art-nav in the style.css
Then move the block for <div class="art-nav" in the header.php

I have a tutorial on adding different blocks into the header that may help!

You would style art-nav like the adsense block in the tutorial, and move the div style to where the include file is in the tutorial.

David :*)


Posted: 5/9/2010
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Might give it ago, It's a rather lengthy technical thing though, not easily done in Artiseer, why don't they incorporate other areas for the menus etc, they only do stock standard bar along the top...