1px order around images placed in DMM html module

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Mark g.

Posted: 5/3/2010
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Hi folks.. I'm new to Artisteer and am glad I found such a great community around this product. Specifically around the DNN export portion of this product.

I've been able to find fixes for a lot of the little things that plagued me as a new user, but this one has me stumped.

When I insert images into an html module they appear on the site with a 1px border around them. I've looked at the source code behind the html module and there doesn't appear to be a border referenced in the img tag. It has to be coming from somewhere else. (I have borders for tables set to zero from within Artisteer.

Has anyone encountered this before?



Posted: 5/4/2010
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Hi Mark,

is your image a link? I encountered this when I put an image onto a page and made it a link. When I then saved and viewed the page the image had a thick blue line around it. If this sounds familiar try going into the imagea settings and selecting border =0.

Sounds daft but that should stop it...

Hope that helps!


Posted: 5/4/2010
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That helped get me on the right path.. Thank you. Even though the image was not a link it appears that the Artisteer CSS is over riding the Fckeditor styling.

By adding Style="border:0px;" to the img tag the border was removed.

Posted: 5/6/2010
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If you want to chnage this in Artisteer without having to mess with the export CSS, try this:

If you set you Article>Table borders to 0 you will eliminate the lines around your Login/Register content.

You will need to re-export and load your skin. If you change the version number in the export you will not get the import error message.

This will fix other skins from having the same problem.
I guessing this setting works great for PHP CMS, but for DNN it just doubles up.

Hope this helps...


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