Text Block in Header

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Posted: 4/24/2010
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I'm testing 2.4 I see an option for "Text Block" in the header, but I'm not sure what this is in DNN...

Can I change the text? I've tried to edit it in Artisteer and I can't (or don't know how)

Any Help is appreciated!
Steven Webster

Posted: 4/26/2010
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Are you trying to place a module OVER a background in the header? Or are you just trying to replace the header completely with a content area?


Posted: 4/27/2010
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I'm trying to place module over the background in header.. any help? thanks
Steven Webster

Posted: 4/28/2010
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You will need to modify the page.ascx created by Artisteer. You can do this before you upload/install the skin - or if you have access to the server you can do it there.

Modify this


<div class="art-header">
<div class="art-header-png"></div>
<div class="art-header-jpeg"></div>

to something like this


<div class="art-header">
<div class="art-header-png"></div>
<div id="MyHeaderPane" runat="server"></div>