Installed extension not available in drop-down list

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Posted: 3/9/2010
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Hi folks

I'm just trying to get to grips with exporting skins to DotNetNuke 5. I think I've followed all the instructions correctly, but I have found a bit of a problem - although I've installed the zip as a 'global' skin at the DNN host admin root site, the skin in question still does not appear to be available as an option in for the portal I'm trying to test it for:

e.g., when I create a new page, the skin does not appear in the
Page Settings > Advanced Settings > Page Skin drop down list box

as I would have expected it to. However it is available when I create a page in the admin root site itself. Where could I have gone wrong - I thought that installing it in the 'Admin' should make it available to all portals?


Steven Webster

Posted: 3/9/2010
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Installing a skin under the "admin" menu makes it available only to the portal you install it on. If you install it under the "host" menu it will be available to all portals on that DNN installation.