Color Themes

Author Message
Ryan Mick

Posted: 2/5/2010
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Can someone tell me what the 3 colors in a theme affect? I didn't find anything in the documentation about it and i am curious what all they effect.

Color 1 changes ???
Color 2 changes ???
Color 3 changes ???


Posted: 2/6/2010
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Quote TinkBD:

Hi Ryan -

Thanks for asking this!

I have been wondering the same. It would make it much easier to create NEW color themes. ;-)


Just occurred to me that this answer might vary depending on what type of Theme is being created.

I was asking specifically about WordPress.




Posted: 6/24/2010
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I think you are referring to color themes under colors and fonts.

Second color controls menu.

Third color controls header, buttons and icons.

First color controls everything else.