Diferent Design in "edit mode"

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Posted: 2/3/2010
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When I'm logged has host or admin, and select the "Edit View" the containers show lots of borders... like tables or something...

Is this normal, or just me?

Posted: 2/3/2010
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This is happening for me too, it's a bit annoying.

In Edit mode all my content and modules are shown in nice rounded Article containers. In view mode the content is just on the background.
See http://www.bujfc.com

I fixed the borders in Edit mode by commenting out line 1056 in style.css which sets the border width, not sure if this was correct but it worked. I still have the problem of no article containers though - what am I doing wrong?

Posted: 2/4/2010
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Are you sure you have the default container also selected?

You must "apply" the containner too... not just the skin

Or you could also apply "block" or "article" to each module ... I use both so my side modules use the "block" and the deafult panes will use "article"

One other odd thing I can't deal with is that I can not cahnge the CSS for my breadcrumb..... :|

Steven Webster

Posted: 2/5/2010
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IT's a table border. When you create your skin using Artisteer...make sure you go into the Article tab and select non for table borders. Export the skin - re-install on DNN. That should solve it.

If you can do that because you've modified the skin on the server...then you'll need to change the skin.css in your skin file. Look for the "Start Tables" in your skin file and change it to this:

/* Start tables */  .art-article table, table.art-article { 	border-collapse: collapse; 	margin: 1px; 	width:auto; }  .art-article table, table.art-article .art-article tr, .art-article th, .art-article td { 	background-color:Transparent; }   .art-article th { 	text-align: center; 	vertical-align: middle; 	padding: 7px; }  /* Finish tables */


Posted: 2/11/2010
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Yes, Steven's suggestion fixed my table border issue but I still can't seem to get the article container used in View mode (it works in Edit mode)

Here's what I've done:
In Host/Host Settings I've set the Host Container to the Article that I need.
All the pages under the Host menu are displayed using the correct container in View and Edit modes.
In Host/Portals/Edit/Appearance I've set the Portal Container to the Article that I need. When I click Preview the page is shown in view mode with the correct Article container. When I click Apply the setting sticks but the article container still isn't used.
In Admin/Site Settings I can do the same thing.
I have also tried setting the container on the pages but it only shows up in edit mode.

Have I missed something?

Posted: 2/11/2010
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First off I want to thank Steven for the detailed help. This is the kind of thing that makes a huge difference and hopefully better activity on here will get the people at Artisteer a bit more inclined to support DDN more completely. Grant I think I experienced your problem several times and I'm not sure it's really an artisteer issue as much as DDN seems a bit flaky applying styles. Just like yourself I can have things I've applied seem to just not change reliably. Perhaps I will find the exact process that fixes this but for now I've been closing my browser completely, clearing cookies and then logging back into to either admin or host accounts. Even then I can't say for sure that fixes the issue.

The hardest part of working through all this is that DNN seems to have some flakiness on it's own on how many styles flow through to modules/containers. Then we have Artisteer with it's own issues on how it supports and flows through various parts of DNN as well.


Posted: 2/12/2010
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OK, I've fixed it.
The problem was that I got an intern to edit some pages and they unchecked the option to "Display Container" and then applied this setting to every module on the site. It just happened around the same time as I applied the Artisteer skin.

So as SiteBuilder said, this has nothing to do with Artisteer.
Thanks everyone for their help.


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