Font when published looks different

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Posted: 1/28/2010
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This is driving me crazy today... In my theme I set it for Arial 12 point font. When publishing in comes out at Arial 12 point...Good. I enter html text in the side bar widget..and happen to use the bold command: <b> </b> for that not only converts that text to bold (good) but every single piece of text on the web site becomes bold (BAD!). Very strange....side bar html code affecting entire site?

It took me hours to figure this out. So I finally removed the bolding from my sidebar paragraph content...and the entire site went back to the regular non-bolded font.

Has anyone heard of this? Is there different code I should use for bolding other than the old <b>? Can't figure out why there is conflict and CSS etc. is still beyond me a bit.




Posted: 1/29/2010
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try using <strong> instead of <b>