User Tips Posting Suggestion

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Shawn Gadwa

Posted: 1/28/2010
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If Artisteer does not want to get a better moderated forum... maybe this will help.

I think that whoever posts guides in the User Tips section MUST include the words "HowTo" in their tittle. That way, you can at least search howto and come up with something.

Right now there's just way too many questions in the user tips section and it makes it hard to find tips.

Mark C

Posted: 2/16/2010
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Good suggestion. Also, I sent this to Artisteer this a while back:

CMS used (Wordpress, Joomla, etc.): Drupal


I'm new to Artisteer, but would like to be quite active on the forum, but already I am getting bored with how many people are posting in the wrong forums.

Can things be moderated properly, or some stickies put at the top of each forum explaining the rules/topics for each particular forum.
This wouldn't be too much work.

Mark C.

I got this reply:
Hello Mark,

Thanks for the input.
We do watch the forums and have taken steps to help participants post in the correct category.
However, we take a "hands-off" approach in most cases in the name of "free speech" and hope that these issues are dealt with by other forum participants.
Our experience has shown that the people that post in the wrong forum are also the same people that don't read the rules, so it doesn't help much.

We appreciate your enthusiasm for participating.
It's users like you that can make the forums better and more efficient and relevant.

Thanks again for using Artisteer!

Best regards,

Jeff F.

I'm not answering any more questions that are posted in the wrong section.


Posted: 2/17/2010
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I agree with the suggestions and do try title the post with tutorials and how-to.

The main problem is that with supporting several different CMS products and having one tips forum, I post in the WordPress forum rather than here as it targets the topic to the right audience.

I do not see forum moderation as a requirement yet, but from my experiences with other forums when they grow, the forum will be shut or moderated when the content attacks the product, or the authors start defaming each other or the content becomes abusive.

Then the forum owners have a choice to limit, moderate or shut the forum and the thing about moderation is there is a cost in man hours which may have to be passed on to customers.

One thing that would be a good move would be to change the forums to registered users, and to require registration to the main forum, with the same email as you used to download the product, then crass remarks could not be posted by an anonymous author.

Just my two cents!

Dave Porter

Posted: 2/17/2010
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Yes David, that is something that is badly needed....

There are too many tire kickers with attitude visiting...

It has just been so long since Artisteer have said they are upgrading this forum. They could install any number of good php forum software in minutes and be up and running !

cheers Dave



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