img tag - the title attribute gets deleted from the blog post code

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Posted: 1/25/2010
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I'm having a problem with the img tag title attribute. I made the WordPress theme we're using on the first version 2, decided to now use it after opening and tweaking it with the newest 2.3, which opened it in compatibility mode.

In images within blog posts, WP is deleting the title tags right out!

Even if I manually type them into the img tag in html view, on update it completely removes the img title tag! Any ideas as to what's up with that?

How to fix this? Has anyone seen this?

Posted: 1/25/2010
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It should work normally as following:

<img src="my-image.gif" alt="my image" />

Posted: 1/26/2010
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The alt tag is fine and dandy, and remains, but - it still deletes the title tag, which renders the tooltip window.

The alt tag does not generate tooltip windows, it's for people who have images disabled and for search engines.

This is only occurring on post images... I've never seen WP do this before...