Plugin widgets not taking on CSS or DIV tags

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Posted: 1/12/2010
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Hello everyone,

I have a Wordpress theme that I have created in Artisteer which has two sidebars, sidebar1 and sidebar2. I've added a plugin to my site which adds multiple wigets however when I add one of those widgets to my sidebar it doesn't take on the CSS that my other widgets have which is what I generated in Artisteer.

I have been told to look at the plugins code using Firebug and just add the CSS to make the changes but it doesn't seem as if all of that is what needs to be done. There is a function that is adding various div elements to each widget which are:

div class="art-Block"<br/>
div class="art-Block-t1"<br/>
div class="art-Block-tr"<br/>
div class="art-Block-bl"<br/>
div class="art-Block-br"........etc. which I'm sure many of you are familiar with. <br/><br/>

How do I change my function code so that my plugin widget includes those same div elements? I'm sure I can handle the CSS outside of that.....Thank you in advance if you can answer this question!! It's been killing me....

Posted: 1/12/2010
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Does that plugin use its own css to render the containing box, Can you provide URL or screenshot of your site having issues.

Posted: 1/13/2010
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Thanks for the reply Garry!

Yes the plugin does use it's own CSS. The company that provided it has suggested that I use Firebug to identify the correct CSS elements of their plugin and then update my CSS so that it will override theirs however like I said I don't think that this is completely a CMS issue as Artisteer looks to be adding multiple div elements to each widget in order to make the proper background.

Here is a link to the development site:

The top widget "Categories" is what I would like my widgets all to look like. Thanks!

Posted: 1/13/2010
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I think both of your widgets are using widget's css completely from:

and fault seems to be in plugin side.

You should try using this widget with a non Artisteer theme.